Parking Ticket tract


This tract is designed for metered parking districts. See a car parked with no time left on the meter? drop a quarter and leave this on the windshield. This tract presents a perfect object lesson in GRACE.  By showing the intentional act of kindness of buying meter time you present an act of grace to the recipient… Printed on heavy cardstock


This tract is designed for metered parking districts. See a car parked with no time left on the meter? drop a quarter and leave this on the windshield. This tract presents a perfect object lesson in GRACE.  By showing the intentional act of kindness of buying meter time you present an act of grace to the recipient.

(tract contents)

YOUR TIME RAN OUT so I bought you a few extra minutes- We’re all running out of time, in fact the day is quickly approaching where how many tickets we got won’t matter but what we did with our time will –‘for it appointed unto to man once to live, then comes the judgement’– But contrary to what people “choose” to believe, a right standing with the judge doesn’t come by our own merits but through the goodness of the judge Himself, having taken our citation upon Himself, WHEN we accept Him, He pays our ticket in full. –‘it was to show His righteousness at this present time so that He might be the just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus’– Today you were shown unsolicited favor as an object lesson, it’s called GRACE, it’s not luck, or karma, or the parking ticket you rightly deserved, but grace alone. -YOU WERE WORTH IT


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