
Incoming Call tract


Calling All to Christ!

This tract uses a great visual representation of the call that is going out to sinners to come to Christ. Using relatable imagery that the world sees daily in a clever way to present the Lord to those who do not know who is calling them.

Calling All to Christ!

This tract uses a great visual representation of the call that is going out to sinners to come to Christ. Using relatable imagery that the world sees daily in a clever way to present the Lord to those who do not know who is calling them.

(tract contents)

It all starts with a call. ‘Many are called but few will be chosen’. The bible is a divinely inspired collection of books, full of men and women who much like you. were called by God. – God spoke at many times and in various ways using the prophets, their voices joined together in unity across nations, time, and space announcing God’s words to His chosen ones. – Every word laying foundations for the fulfillment of His perfect plan. Where time space and the promises of God converged His word took on a new form- ‘and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us’- In these last days He has spoken to us by His Son who is the Creator of all things He is the radiance of Gods glory and the exact image of His nature. -God incarnated as man, JESUS CHRIST- He came to seek and save that which was lost and to all who receive Him He gives the power to become the sons and daughters of God- His message is clear- believe in Him, Call on Him for forgiveness and receive His words- this is called repentance, its turning away from our ways and receiving instruction by our very own creator who foreknew us before we took our very first breaths- turning to the One who loves us with an everlasting love and displays it by not sparing His own life on our behalf. By covering our wrongs with His righteousness and taking the weight of our sins onĀ  Himself at the cross–‘He was crushed for our iniquities so the punishment for our wellbeing would be placed on Him’- the Lord gives His riches to all who call on Him, and all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.- … ‘and know this that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are CALLED according to His purpose’.–‘ANSWER THE CALL’






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